"Brief 18-7"
Name of traveller
Hugo Schuchardt (1842-1927)
Reason for travel
- study of the Welsh language and Welsh language culture
Date of travel
summer 1875
Als ich 1876 [sic] in Wales war, brachte ich 8 Tage bei [John Rhŷs] und seiner Familie in Rhyl zu; die kleine Myfanwy mit der ich mich damals ergötzte, muss nunmehr etwa 30 Jahre zählen. Ich gedachte dieses meines Gastaufenthaltes auf dankbare Weise in meinen “Keltischen Briefen”. (Schuchardt 1-2)
- language: inspiration to learn Welsh language through friendship with John Rhŷs (1840-1915) who he met in Leipzig during early 1870s
- people: stayed eight days with John Rh?s and family during his visit to Wales in 1875
- compare with the author's detailed essay in German about the same journey
- click here to read the full account
Nationality of traveller
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
Schuchardt, Hugo. "Brief 18-7." Letter to Pio Rajna. 26 Sept. 1903. Graz: 1-2. Hugo Schuchardt Archiv. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.