Die Landwirtschaft in England. Reisefrüchte aus den Monaten Juli bis November 1856 zugleich als Handbuch und Wegweiser für reisende Landwirthe

Name of traveller

Paul Adolf Poggendorff (1832-1910)

Reason for travel

  • study of modern farming methods

Date of travel


Reiche schöne Thäler wechseln mit kahlen Gebirgswelten ab, deren an und für sich schon rauhe und wilde Scenerie durch die seltsamen und merkwürdigen Formen der Berge, die häufig Wolken mehr als festen Massen ähnlich sehen, noch gehoben wird. (Poggendorff 198)


  • agriculture:
    • visits a number of Monmouthshire farms, identified by name and owner, and describes their properties, modes of production and produce
    • Hereford cattle and cider as the main produce in the area around Chepstow
  • architecture:
    • impressed by the harbour constructions at Holyhead
    • frequent use of slate for buildings and houses around north Wales; architecture shows a mixture of Gothic and Norman style
  • recreation:
    • identifies the Avon-Severn-Wye route by boat as a well-established English tourist route
    • well-developed infrastructure in Monmouthshire lends itself for touristic exporation of ruined castles and churches
  • terrain:
    • conflation of Wales and England
    • Monmouthshire rich in natural resources and good conditions for farming
    • picturesque character of the north Wales mountains is easily observed from the train window along the line between Chester and Holyhead
    • rich vegetation in the mountains of north Wales despite a lack of trees on higher altitudes; impressed by the variety of scenery
  • transport: travels by steamboat and train
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication

agricultural study; travelogue


Poggendorf, P[aul] A[dolf]. Die Landwirtschaft in England. Reisefrüchte aus den Monaten Juli bis November 1856 zugleich als Handbuch und Wegweiser für reisende Landwirthe. Leipzig: Joh. Ambr. Barth, 1860. 169-71, 198-9. Print.