"Efnahagsundrið í Wales"

Name of traveller

Björgvin Sighvatsson

Reason for travel

  • interview with a Welsh Development Agency official

Date of travel


Markaðsskrifstofan í Cardiff (Wales [sic] Development Agency) hefur veríð aflvaki mikilla erlendra fjárfestinga, sem gerbreytt hafa efnahags- og atvinnulífí í Wales á skömmum tíma. (Sighvatsson D20)


  • people: interview with Welsh Development Agency officer Brian Morgan about his work
  • politics:
    • discusses government programme intended to raise Wales's economic profile for international investors
    • explains structure and activities of the Welsh Development Agency
    • discusses the importance of Welsh interaction with the EU, attracting foreign investors in Wales and Welsh access to the European market
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication

interview, report


Sighvatsson, Björgvin. "Efnahagsundrið í Wales." Morgunblaðið (04 April 1996): D20. Print.