"Eimerweise Drachen"
Name of traveller
Elmar Schenkel (b. 1953)
Reason for travel
- ERASMUS teaching exchange between the Institute for British Studies, Universität Leipzig, and the School of Modern Languages, Bangor University
Date of travel
undated, but references in the text date the journey to March 2010
- people:
- overhearing fellow travellers on trains and in cafés
- focus on stories told to the author by the people he met in different places
- recalls 1977 journey to the former home of the author John Cowper Powys (1872-1963) and meeting Phyllis Playter (1892-1982)
Nationality of traveller
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
essay; travelogue
Schenkel, Elmar. "Eimerweise Drachen. Reisebericht aus Wales." Liaisons. Magazin für den Kulturdialog 4 (Winter 2010/11): 68-76. Print.