"Eine Hochzeit im Walliser Land"
Name of traveller
Adolf Heine
Reason for travel
- holidaying; leisurely travel
Date of travel
undated, ca. late 1870s to early 1880s
Eines Tages, als ich gerade über Felder und Wiesen schlenderte, wo ganze Schaaren der so zartfleischigen wälschen Hammel behaaglich botanisirten, sah ich Dornröschen auf einem den Feldweg absperrenden Zaunthor sitzen und neben ihr lehnte, den Arm um ihre Hüfte geschlungen, ein junger, flotter Bursche. (Heine 1-2)
- agriculture:
- description of a farm near Llandudno and its surroundings
- describes Welsh pigs as the remnants of ancient Druidic worship
- architecture: farm houses in north Wales similar to those around Bern
- customs:
- identifies the large kitchen as the social centre of the farm house where the whole family and their guests come together and spend time with each other
- discusses Welsh courting customs with the local school master
- detailed description of a wedding on a farm in north Wales together with observed customs, e.g. the role of the Gwahoddwr, a Horse Wedding, the Bidding
- music and singing as integral elements of Welsh folk culture; identifies the harp as national instrument
- diet: admits his ambivalence towards the common dishes prepared on the farm
- dress: description of the traditional Welsh costume worn by the bride
- language:
- interested in the Welsh language
- lists a number of English prejudices against the Welsh language
- contrasts the persistence of the Welsh language with the decline of Irish
- literature: near identical with courting and wedding descriptions by Julius Rodenberg (1831-1914)
- recreation: holidaying in rented accommodation on a farm
- transport: travels by train
- compare with the first published essay about this journey
- click here to read the full account
Nationality of traveller
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
Heine, A[dolf]. "Eine Hochzeit im Walliser Land." Prager Tagblatt (12 July 1891): 1-4. Print.