Englandsrejsen 1926

Name of traveller

Paul Bergsøe (1872-1963)

Reason for travel

  • leisurely travel

Date of travel

September 1926


  • architecture: photos of ruined castles, churches, town architecture and landscapes
  • art: collection of three albums containing private photographs taken by a Danish traveller during a journey through England and Wales
  • people: contains a few portraits of unidentified people, possibly the holiday-makers
  • click here to view the three volumes

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller

Male, Female

Type of publication

photography album


Bergsøe, Paul. Englandreisen 1926.  Album 476 8°; Album 477 8°; Album 478 8°. The Royal Library, National Library of Denmark and Copenhagen University Library, Copenhagen. n.d. Web. 12 January 2015.