"Im Jammertal – Merthyr Tydfil; Wales"

Name of traveller

Ralf Sotscheck (b. 1954)

Reason for travel

  • interviews with public figures from Merthyr Tydfil

Date of travel


“Die Leute haben kein Geld”, sagt Elisha, deren Großeltern in den fünziger Jahren aus Griechenland eingewandert sind, weil es Arbeit in den Bergwerken gab. . . . Elisha will weg aus Merthyr Tydfil, zwei Jahre will sie höchstens noch in dem kleinen Laden arbeiten . . .. (Sotscheck 75)


  • author has lived in Dublin since 1985
  • people
    • author more invested in engaging with the people he meets than in describing the town or landscapes
    • inhabitants of Merthyr Tydil faced with high unemployment, poverty, bad health, poor housing conditions
  • terrain: Merthyr Tydfil as a failing and failed town

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication

essay; report


Sotscheck, Ralf. "Im Jammertal – Merthyr Tydfil; Wales." Wetten, Whisky, Algenbäder: Britische Inselwelten. Wien: Picus-Verlag, 2008. 75-80. Print.