Jagdfieber und Reiselust: Unterwegs in Europas Jagdparadiesen

Name of traveller

Hans Joachim von Oertzen (b. 1925)

Reason for travel

  • private hunting parties
  • holidaying

Date of travel

undated, but photographs and narrative indicate repeated returns since the 1980s up to at least the late 1990s, early 2000s

Wir übernachteten bei Patrick, unserem künftigen Jagtherrn, in dessen gepflegtem klassizistischen Landhaus. Der National Trust hatte das Haus übernommen und restauriert, so dass es nun wieder ein wirkliches Schmuckstück geworden war. Gemütliches Frühstück und dann die Fahrt ins Revier. (Oertzen 35)


  • art: contains private photographs from various hunting parties
  • customs:
    • distinctly gentrified view of Wales
    • pheasant hunting parties on various country estates in south Wales
    • conflation of England and Britain; no distinction between England and Wales
  • people: journeys undertaken together with his wife
  • terrain:
    • repeated journeys to and around Wales, but vague about most locations
    • romanticised description of landscapes versus ugly industrial towns
  • transport: travels by car

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller

Male, Female

Type of publication



Oertzen, Hans Joachim von. Jagdfieber und Reiselust: Unterwegs in Europas Jagdparadiesen. 2nd. ed. 1996. Stuttgart: Kosmos, 2007. 37-107. Print.