Questions régionalistes: l'enseignement bilingue au pays de Galles

Name of traveller

Pierre Mocaër (1887-1961)

Reason for travel

  • study of bilingualism in Welsh schools

Date of travel


Au cours de mon séjour en Galles, où ma qualité de Breton m’a valu un accueil qui m’est allé droit au cœur, j’ai eu l’occasion de visiter bien des écoles de toutes sortes et d’interroger les membres du corps enseignant ainsi que les élèves et je dois dire que j’ai eu honte de la comparaison entre les écoles de mon Pays et celles du Pays de Galles. (Mocaër 26)


  • customs: fellow Celts berceived as brothers of Bretons
  • language:
    • descriptions of the place of Welsh in schools
    • notes that Welsh language is still widely in use although there are monoglot speakers of English in south Wales
    • a history of conquest and decline of the Welsh language, but followed by a revival
    • visits a number of schools and talks to schoolmasters
    • compares Welsh schools favourably with the situation in Brittany and hopes Brittany will follow Wales' example
  • people: discusses efforts of Henry Austin Bruce, 1st Baron Aberdare (1815-1895) and Dan Issac Davies (1839-1887) in the promotion of the Welsh language
  • politics: lists details of recent initiatives undertaken to promote the Welsh language

Nationality of traveller

Breton, French

Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication

report; study


Mocaër, Pierre. Questions régionalistes: l'enseignement bilingue au pays de Galles. Lorient: Impr. Le Bayon, 1915. Print.