Reiseeindrücke aus England

Name of traveller

Walter Parow

Reason for travel

  • en route to and from Ireland

Date of travel

April and May 1893

Ich fand Zuflucht in einem weitläufig angelegten, altvornehmen Gasthof, und glaubte schon der einzige Gast zu sein, als ich in der Ecke des Speisezimmers einen älteren Herren gewahrte. Es war ein Landschaftsmaler, der sich hierher begeben, um, wie er sagte, der Gebirgswelt die geheimnisvollen Reize abzulauschen, die sie nur in der Übergangszeit vom Winter zum Frühling entfaltet. (Parow 15)


  • the journey was financed by the school governors of the Friedrichs-Werdersche Oberrealschule, Berlin
  • architecture:
    • references railway bridge and suspension bridge in Conwy and Britannia Bridge across the Menai Strait
    • use of natural stone and slate for cottages
  • recreation:
    • goes on hiking excursion arount Betws-y-Coed; gets overtaken by rain which cuts short his excursion
    • engages in conversation about cultural particularities of the local population with an elderly landscape artist as the only other guest at an inn in Capel Curig
  • terrain:
    • in praise of the panorama as seen from train window; brief sketch of north Wales coast and view of mountains
    • mountain terrain and rocky slopes around Betws-y-Coed similar to Switzerland
  • transport:
    • modes of travel: boat; on foot; train
    • sketch of railway along the north Wales coast running from Chester to Holyhead as main link with Ireland
    • catches evening boat to Dublin
    • excursion into mountains of north Wales via train from Llandudno
    • praises quality of tarmaced roads around Betws-y-Coed
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication



Parow, Walter. Reiseeindrücke aus England. Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum Progamm der Friedrichs-Werderschen Oberrealschule zu Berlin. Berlin: R. Gaertner, 1893. 10, 15. Print.