"Skizzen aus England. II"
Name of traveller
Johann Jakob Honegger (1825-1896)
Reason for travel
- leisurely travel
Date of travel
August 1883
Die Mondnacht, eine große Jubelfeier der Natur, wird mir unvergeßlich bleiben; das Wellengemurmel mit seinen traulichen Tönen hat sich in meine Seele geschlichen; noch hör' ich's am Riff abprallen; und noch stehen die sylphenartig auf dem Sande dahinschwebenden Frauengestalten wie lichte Feen vor dem Auge, ein süßer Traum. (Honegger 557)
- architecture:
- reference to St Giles' Church in Wrexham as one of the Seven Wonders of Wales
- use of natural stone gives houses a dark character; mood lightened by small, colourful gardens
- customs:
- perceives a distinct, gritty Celticness in Welsh folk culture in contrast to characterless Englishness
- encounter with children in Dolgellau and fishermen in Barmouth who sing folk songs in exchange for money
- finds the indomitable character of the Welsh nation fully expressed and preserved in folk songs and tunes
- history: ancient ruins reflect pre-modern history of Roman and Norman rule in Wales
- industry: slate mining industry as one of the most important sectors of employment in north Wales
- language:
- sketches composition and meaning of Welsh place names
- notes the retreat of the Welsh language
- literature:
- contains a situational poem by the author
- character of ancient myths in Wales is indebted to the geographical properties of the land
- people:
- evaluates the physiognomy of the Welsh as a sign of their distinction as an ancient people
- brief reference to the Ladies of Llangollen, Eleanor Charlotte Butler (1739-1829) and Sarah Ponsonby (1755-1831)
- recreation:
- pedestrian tour of north Wales
- Dolgellau is perfectly situated for undertaking numerous pedestrian excursions
- describes a day's excursion to Aberystwyth; not impressed by the town and makes a quick escape
- territory:
- geography of north Wales noted for its picturesque landscapes
- many romaticised, emotional descriptions of towns and villages and the surrounding landscape which varies between woodland and mountains free of vegetation
- strictly speaking, the mountains of north Wales are hills, but share many characteristics with the Alps of Switzerland and Tyrol
- Llangollen and surroundings described as the most ideal place for retreating into retirement
- north Wales as a predominantly rural and sparsely inhabited area
- the summer weather has a great influence on the character of the landscape; fog increases the romantic atmosphere
- character of the Mawddach valley similar to the Rhine valley
- greatly impressed by views of the sea
- transport: travels on foot and by train
Nationality of traveller
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
serialised travelogue
Honegger, J[ohann] J[akob]. "Skizzen aus England. II." Unsere Zeit. Deutsche Revue der Gegenwart 21.1 (1885): 551-559.