Traumzeit in Wales: Ein Reiseverführer
Name of traveller
David Lindner (b. 1969) and Doris Lindner (b. 1960), plus dog Socke
Reason for travel
- leisurely travel, holidaying
Date of travel
four tours around Wales between 2010 and 2012
In einem Reiseführer lesen wir: David Lean drehte einige der Wüstenszenen seines Meisterwerks Lawrence von Arabien in den Wüsteh, äh ... nein, in den Dünen von Shell Island. . . . Es kommt einem fast wie ein Treppenwitz der Geschichte vor: Der echte T. [E.] Lawrence . . . wurde nur wenige Meilen vom Drehort auf Shell Island im Ort Tremadoc im Gorphwysfa House geboren. (Lindner and Lindner 204-5)
- account not an attempt to reconstruct the travel routes, but present the authors' impressions and emotions from the encounter with different places
- architecture: exploration of castle ruins, medieval churches, architecture of Portmeirion
- art: many of the photographs are logged with their precise GPS data
- diet: many notes on local specialities supported by photographs of various dishes
- people:
- visit to Laugharne in the footsteps of Dylan Thomas (1914-1953)
- moved by attendance at a community choir practice
- terrain: focus shifts away from chronological descriptions of places and towards the exploration of themes, e.g. waterfalls, beaches, gardens, empty landscapes, tranquility, weather
- transport: travel by car, narrow-gauge railway, on foot
Nationality of traveller
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Male, Female
Type of publication
diary; photography; travel guide; travelogue
Lindner, David and Doris Lindner. Traumzeit in Wales: Ein Reiseverführer. Battweiler: Traumzeit-Verlag, 2013. Print.