"Ueber den Vegetationscharakter von Nord-Wales"

Name of traveller

Eugen Dutoit (1837-1921)

Reason for travel

  • study of vegetation

Date of travel

undated, ca. mid-1880s

Einen prachtvollen Anblick gewährt es, stellenweise ganze Abhänge [mit Fuchs-Hanschuh] im schönsten Roth prangen zu sehen. Von der Eisenbahn aus, in der Nähe von Llanberis, habe ich eine Varietät mit weisen Blumen erblickt. (Dutoit 161)


  • terrain:
    • no differentiation between Wales and England
    • description of geographical layout and geological properties of north Wales coast
    • character of vegetation comparable with that in Switzerland
    • detailed survey of north Wales vegetation with notes on quantity and distribution of various species of plants
    • impressed by rich growth of plants and variety of flowers
    • clear view from summit of Snowdon
    • geographical layout around Llandudno produces mild temperatures and leads to an early onset of spring
  • transport:
    • mode of travel: train
    • two railway lines providing access to valleys from Caernarfon to Llanberis and from Dinas to Rhyd-du
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication

scientific study


Dutoit, [Eugen]. "Ueber den Vegetationscharakter von Nord-Wales." Mittheilungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern aus dem Jahre 1887. Bern: Huber & Comp., 1888. 158-65. Print.