"Un dro e Kembre"
Name of traveller
Youenn Olier (1924-2004)
Reason for travel
- unknown
Date of travel
Ar pezh a sko spered ar gweladenner ez eo da gentañ an doare sevenadur broadel dibar a zo o kreskiñ a-hont. Diniver eo an embannadurioù kembraek e-keñver hor re-ni . . .. (Olier 201)
- customs:
- discusses religion and the Catholic church as a minority in Wales
- most importantly, the Welsh people are kind
- language:
- Welsh has long been the language of religion, i.e. the people's culture
- establishment of Welsh schools thanks to English legislation; similar development in Brittany would be impossible
- people he meets at the City Hall in Cardiff are all Anglophone
- discusses Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg
- literature:
- discusses the state of Welsh publishing and compares it to the situation in Brittany
- quality printing produced in Wales; production of newspapers in Wales
- discusses Welsh writing in English and compares it to Francophone literature from Brittany; mentions writer Paol Keineg (b. 1944)
- politics:
- thanks to a lesser degree of centralisation, Wales is in a better situation than Brittany, although nationalists in Wales are similarly confined by the worldview of the dominant language culture
- finds that Plaid Cymru has taken root, but not yet in a powerful position to effect any change
Nationality of traveller
Breton, French
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
Olier, Youenn. "Un dro e Kembre." Al Liamm 140 (1970): 201-9. Print.