"Un dro-vale"

Name of traveller

Erwan Kervella (1949-1984)

Reason for travel

  • leisurely travel

Date of travel

undated, ca. 1970

Evit traoù 'zo, ret eo lavarout, Kembreiz n' int ket leun a ijin. Pa seller ouzh an tiez, heñvel int e pep lec'h, e Skos, Kembre pe Kent. Ar boued ivez a zo unton. (Kervella 33)


  • architecture: all houses look the same
  • diet:
    • all food is the same
    • beer is usually not very good
  • customs:
    • visits the National Eisteddfod; instead of visiting the Maes, many people go to the pubs in the area and get drunk
    • rugby is played at Arms Park, Cardiff
    • the Welsh are fond of making jokes, like to stay at home, read the newspaper and watch TV
  • people:
    • the Welsh people differ decidedly from the English, but everyone is named Jones
    • is exasperated how little the Welsh people he meets know about Brittany
  • terrain: all towns are the same
  • transport: travels by hitchhiking

Nationality of traveller

Breton, French

Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication



Kervella, Erwan. "Un dro-vale." Al Liamm 144 (1971): 31-40. Print.