Aus dem Tagebuche eines in Grossbritannien reisenden Ungarn
Name of traveller
Ferencz A. Pulszky (1814-1897)
Reason for travel
- travelling as cultural tourist, self-improvement
Date of travel
Diese Kirche [Tintern Abbey] ist schon ganz von der Natur in Besitz genommen, ein Baum erhebt sich an der Stelle des Altars, Rosen und Epheu ranken sich um das Symbol des Gottesleiden, und das Ganze wird nur seines malerischen Aussehens wegen erhalten. Der Tempel ist entheiligt, der Altar verlassen, der Gesang verstummt, das künstliche Gewölbe stürzte ein . . .. (Pulszky 97)
- architecture: melancholy of overgrown Tintern Abbey surpasses ancient Greek and Roman architecture
- customs:
- recognises particularity of Welsh culture despite loss of political independence
- Welshness is reflected in the landscape, language, female Welsh costume, music
- people:
- accompanied on his journey by Karl von Hailbronner (1788-1864) and another, unnamed Hungarian friend
- notes efforts of Duke of Beaufort to preserve the ruin of Tintern Abbey and improve the surrounding landscape
- landlady of Royal Victoria Hotel encourages the author to visit Penrhyn Castle
- terrain:
- increasing beauty of upstream Wye Valley and romantic wilderness of the landscapes of north Wales
- notes rising steam from trains hanging over Llangollen
- compares coastal stretch between Great Orme, Beaumaris and Bangor with Gulf of Napels
- notes on the weather
- click here to read the full account
Nationality of traveller
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
diary; travelogue
Pulszky, Ferencz A. Aus dem Tagebuche eines in Grossbritannien reisenden Ungarn. Pesth: Gustav Heckenast, 1837. 95-8, 108-17. Print.