Cartons aus der Reisemappe eines deutschen Touristen

Name of traveller

Karl von Hailbronner (1788-1864)

Reason for travel

  • travelling as cultural tourist, self-improvement

Date of travel


Wie soll man aber das Land schildern, das alles in sich faßt, was an wilder Schönheit von der Natur in den capriciösesten Uebergängen hervorgebracht werden kann? Ist South-Wales schon durch seine romantischen Ansichten, seine malerischen Buchten, großartigen Häfen und mächtigen Flüsse eines der schönsten Lander, so steigert sich das Reizende der Landschaft, die Schönheit der Berg- und Felsenformation in North-Wales zu einem Bilde, dem kaum ein Land den Vorrang wird streitig machen können. (Hailbronner 235)


  • architecture:
    • Tintern Abbey more imposing than ancient Greek architecture; equally impressed by Valle Crucis
    • British gothic architecture generally preferable to Roman architecture
    • detailed description of Penrhyn Castle; praised as leading example of British country estates
  • clothing: description of female Welsh costume
  • customs: frequent conflation of Wales and England, but recognition of Welsh Methodism, mild manners and friendliness, beauty of the people, astonishing health of Welsh children
  • industry: importance of slate quarrying in north Wales
  • language: notes on preservation of the Welsh language and culture
  • people:
    • accompanied on his journey by Ferencz A. Pulszky (1814-1897) and another, unnamed Hungarian friend
    • Wales as the home country and last refuge of the ancient Britons
  • terrain:
    • picturesque, romantic, gothic landscapes
    • various comparisons with Bavaria, antediluvian destruction, Monte Pellegrino, Gulf of Naples
  • transport: travel by steam boat, horse carriage
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication



Hailbronner, Karl von. Cartons aus der Reisemappe eines deutschen Touristen: 1. Ed. Karl von Hailbronner. Vol. 1 Stuttgart & Tübingen: Cotta, 1837. 224-9, 234-42. Print.