"Besuch in einer englischen Kohlen- und Eisenstadt"

Name of traveller


Reason for travel

  • interest in industrial production

Date of travel

undated, ca. early 1850s

Der Werth des Bodens um Merthyr-Tydfil ist durch Eisen und Kohlen so bedeutend gestiegen, daß ein Grundstück, welches unter Karl ll. für 27 Pfund verkauft wurde, jetzt tausend Pfund jährlich Rente bringt; aber der Werth der Menschen ist gefallen. (Anonymous 532)


  • anonymous author possibly the German political refugee Johann Heinrich Bettziech (1813-1876), regular contributor to Die Gartenlaube, who also wrote about salmon fishing in Wales
  • history:
    • Wales as historically, culturally and ethnically distinct nation despite conflation with England in headline
    • highlights importance of German Celticists for recognition and appreciation of Wales within Britain
    • roots Welsh history in antiquity
  • industry:
    • contains statistics regarding annual production of individual factories and works
    • detailed eyewitness account of Dowlais iron works
  • people:
    • notices absence of women in factories; cutting remarks about English factory owners
    • interaction with English-speaking owner of a tearoom in Caerleon who informs author of the Rebecca Riots
  • politics: mention of Chartist movement in Wales
  • terrain: dramatic description of Merthyr Tydfil and its industrial features as a place resembling hell; rapid expansion of the population and the great poverty of the labouring classes
  • compare with article by same author about the coal mines in south Wales
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication

essay; travelogue


Anonymous. "Besuch in einer englischen Kohlen- und Eisenstadt." Die Gartenlaube 3.40 (1855): 530-3. Print.