"Der Stierkampf der Waliser"

Name of traveller

Cordt Schnibben (b. 1952)

Reason for travel

  • writing for German weekly newspaper Die Zeit

Date of travel

undated, ca. early 1980s

Die Gladiatoren sind noch in den Kabinen. Dem Programmheft kann man entnehmen, daß es sich um Milchmänner, Lehrer, Elektriker oder Farmer handelt. Bergleute sind selten geworden unter den Spitzenspielern, weil Bergleute rar gemacht worden sind in Wales. Rugby-Profis gibt es hier überhaupt nicht. Höchstens 80 Mark und Spesen sollen die Spieler kriegen, die gleich auf das Feld stürmen, um das Volk eineinhalb Stunden zu unterhalten. Unglaublich. (Schnibben 81)


  • customs:
    • popular culture surrounding important rugby matches
    • rugby culture in pubs, coverage in newspapers, match tourism, banners by rugby fans with political sloagans, brass bands, hymns, family event
    • Welsh choir singing turns rugby matches into ad-hoc vocal concerts
    • detailed description of the match between teams from Neath and Cardiff
    • acknowledges entertainment value and brutality of the game
  • history: historical background and rules of rugby
  • people:
    • description of pub visitors before the start of the game
    • non-professional rugby players portrayed as gladiators
  • compare with the author's earlier account of holidaying in Wales
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication



Schnibben, Cordt. "Der Stierkampf der Waliser." Die Zeit 42 (12 Oct. 1984): 81, 83. Print.