"Urlaub in Utopia"

Name of traveller

Cordt Schnibben (b. 1952)

Reason for travel

  • visiting the Centre for Alternative Technology near Machynlleth

Date of travel

undated, early 1980s

Vor zehn Jahren fingen ein paar Ingenieure und Sozialarbeiter an, in diesem Tal zusammenzutragen und auszuprobieren, was in ihren Köpfen an Ideen herumspukte und was in der Welt an alternativer Technik herumstand. Herausgekommen ist eine kleine Gemeinde, die nicht so recht weiß, ob sie alternative Weltausstellung oder „Village of the Future“ ist. (Schnibben 55)


  • agriculture: self sufficient food supply of CAT
  • architecture: description of the interior of one of the cottages located in the disused quarry
  • industry:
    • description of methods for renewable energies and sustainability
    • wind and water turbines, bio gas, thermal insulation of buildings, solar energy, passive heating
  • people:
    • CAT as source of income for locals by offering employment and serving as tourist destination
    • brief reference to friction between local farmers and CAT
  • politics: educational mission of the CAT and its engagement with school classes
  • compare with the author's description of rugby in Wales
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication

essay; report


Schnibben, Cordt. "Urlaub in Utopia." Die Zeit 10 (4 Mar. 1983): 55. Print.