Land und Leute in der alten und der neuen Welt: Reiseskizzen

Name of traveller

Franz von Löher (1818-1892)

Reason for travel

  • travelling as cultural tourist, self-improvement

Date of travel

16-22 July 1846

Nach ein paar Stunden Ruhe wanderte ich, ohne Aushören hoch hinan und wieder steil hinabsteigend, die zwölf Meilen nach Llanwrst. Das ist ein recht wälsches Wort, welches den Erfindern dieser gaumerschütternden Sprache ein Anderer nicht leicht nachspricht. Auch scheinen sie ihre Ortschaften sämmtlich um Burgen oder Kirchen angelegt zu haben, mit Caer (Burg) oder Llan (Kirche) fangen die meisten wälschen Ortsnamen an, hin und wieder auch mit Cwm (Thal) und Craigh (Berg). (Löher 55)


  • architecture:
    • notes on architecture of Welsh cottages and their difference to small houses in rural Germany
    • imposing architecture of ruined castles and modern bridges
  • customs:
    • notes particular Welshness of the north and Anglicisation of the south
    • recognises songs from his own childhood in Germany whilst listening to a children's choir in the church in Llanrwst
  • industry: international significance of slate production
  • history: brief overview of Welsh history since Roman invasions
  • language:
    • harsh sounds of the Welsh language compared to Swiss German
    • translates parts of placenames into German
  • people:
    • frequently surrounded by curious children owing to his beard and travel attire
    • description of the Welsh population, notices suspicions against English people
  • recreation: English tourism as one main source of income in north Wales
  • terrain:
    • Welsh towns generally dirty and very quiet
    • pleasant landscapes, eerie valleys, impressive mountains across north Wales best discovered by solitary travellers on foot
    • similar to Switzerland; compares Beaumaris Bay with Gulf of Naples
  • transport:
    • modes of travel: on foot
    • ease of rambling in Wales without the need to hire local guides
    • improvement of infrastructure and trade as one contributing factor to Anglicisation
  • compare with an earlier published account about the same journey
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication



Löher, Franz von. Land und Leute in der alten und neuen Welt: Reiseskizzen. Vol. 1. Göttingen: Georg H. Wigand, 1855. 52-72. Print.