"Mittheilungen an Professor H. B. Geinitz"
Name of traveller
Carl Ferdinand von Römer (1818-1891) and Ernst Heinrich Karl von Dechen (1800-1889)
Reason for travel
- geological study
Date of travel
September 1865
Die landschaftlich so reizende Fahrt über Conway und Bangor längs der Meeresufer und der dem Bosporus ähnlichen Menai Straits endigte bei Caernarvon. (Römer 204)
- industry: reference to a copper mine in operation near Llanberis
- people: journey undertaken together with Ernst Heinrich Karl von Dechen (1800-1889), who had visited Wales 38 years before
- recreation: excursion to the summit of Snowdon
- terrain:
- compares the Menai Strait to the Bosphorus
- detailed geological description of the area around Snowdon, with great interest in glacial formations
- transport:
- modes of travel: on foot
- journey along the north Wales coast
- click here to read the full account
Nationality of traveller
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
Römer, [Carl] Ferd[inand von]. "Mittheilungen an Professor H. B. Geinitz." Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Palaeontologie (1866): 202-8. Print.