"Notes on Landscape Painting"

Name of traveller

Hubert von Herkomer (1849-1914)

Reason for travel

  • study of landscape for painting

Date of travel

April 1880

After dinner we go to our studio-huts (which are within two hundred yards of the tents), and work upon our large canvases, returning about half-past five for a tea of cold meat, eggs, bread and butter, and lots of jam (especially for my mate). We return to the huts and work until too dark. Then we take a run on our tricycles for about an hour, as we are not far from the finest road in Wales or England. (Herkomer 175)


  • art:
    • contains three pencil sketches labelled by the artist: "Our Messenger", "The Studio Hut", "The Tents"
    • description of artistic camp life supported by comfortable canvas tents and portable studio huts, daily perusal of newspapers
  • people: report of artists' camp life together with Charles William Mansel Lewis (1845-1931) and a servant
  • terrain: the perils of working in April weather in Snowdonia
  • compare with descriptions in Herkomer's autobiography The Herkomers
  • click here to read the full account

Nationality of traveller


Language of publication


Gender of traveller


Type of publication

illustrated essay


Herkomer, Hubert von. "Notes on Landscape Painting." The Portfolio 11 (1880): 172-177. Print.