"Fêtes celtiques"
Name of traveller
Jean Le Fustec (1855-1910)
Reason for travel
- visit to the Cardiff Eisteddfod 1899 as part of the Breton delegation
Date of travel
Peut-être faut-il faire honneur aux Kymris et au bardisme détenteur de la sagesse de la race, du triomphant exemple qu’ils donnèrent aux frères celtes. (Le Fustec 325)
- customs:
- self-image of the National Eisteddfod as national institution; notes on particularity of provicial eisteddfodau
- detailed description of Gorsedd and its regulating significance, the pavillion, Welsh harp and penillion
- comparisons with Brittany and praises Wales as a model for the Celtic cousins; feels religious differences are unimportant
- history: the past as an important element in contemporary Welsh culture
- language:
- contains a number of French translations of key texts from Eisteddfod ceremonies
- no English language used during the National Eisteddfod
- people:
- travelling with Alain de Botmelas (1858-1946), Charles Le Goffic (1863-1932) and Anatole Le Braz (1859-1926); further delegates in the group are Le Gonidec de Traissan, Louis-Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray (1840-1910), René Grivart, François Jaffrennou (1879-1956) and Frañsez Vallée (1860-1949)
- points out Hubert von Herkomer (1849-1914) as the original designer of the Grand Sword used in the National Eisteddfod
- description of Hwfa Môn (Rowland Williams) (1823-1905)
- references to Henri Martin (1810–1883) and La Villemarqué (1815–1895)
- politics: close links between bardic tradition and nationalism
- compare with the author's account about the music of Wales published a year later
- click here to read the full account
Nationality of traveller
Breton, French
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
Le Fustec, Jean. "Fêtes celtiques." La Revue hebdomadaire 3.8 (July 1899): 321-40. Print.