"Fêtes celtiques au pays de Galles"
Name of traveller
Bernard-Henri Gausseron (1845-1913)
Reason for travel
- visit to the Cardiff Eisteddfod 1899
Date of travel
Ce renouveau bardique, qui s'affirme de plus en plus en Bretagne, a trouvé dans le pays de Galles surtout des exemples et des encouragements. (Gausseron n.p.)
- art:
- contains photographs taken my M Hamonic
- contains a translation of the Welsh national anthem into French by Oskar Berggrün (d. c. 1903)
- customs:
- sees 1899 National Eisteddfod as the first official reunion of all Celtic cultures
- gives historical background of Eisteddfod and Gorsedd
- notes that the pavillion holds between 20,000 and 30,000 people
- competitions include manufacturing
- notes example of Wales has inspired revival in Brittany
- language: François Jaffrennou (1879-1956) delivers a speech in Welsh
- literature:
- is reminded of Walter Scott's (1771-1832) novels
- points out Eisteddfod attendance of Occitan literary and cultural association Félibrige
- people:
- delegation from France consisting of 25 Bretons and some French
- references Jean Le Fustec (1855-1910), Charles Le Goffic (1863-1932), Anatole Le Braz (1859-1926), François Jaffrennou (1879-1956) and Frañsez Vallée (1860-1949)
- crowned bard flees ceremony due to nerves
- click here to read the full account
Nationality of traveller
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
Gausseron, B[ernard]-H[enri]. "Fêtes celtiques au pays de Galles." Revue illustrée 17.16 (1 Aug. 1902): n.p. Print.