"Pèlerinage celtique"
Name of traveller
Anatole Le Braz (1859-1926)
Reason for travel
- visit to the Cardiff Eisteddfod 1899 as part of the Breton delegation
Date of travel
J’aspire vers l’Ouest, vers la fraîcheur galloise que je savoure, par avance, comme l’haleine d’une autre patrie. (Le Braz 321)
- customs:
- National Eisteddfod honours cultural links between Brittany and Wales
- eisteddfod as reunification of Celtic nations
- description of eisteddfod ceremonies and participants
- praises Welsh hospitality
- industry: industrial landscapes of south Wales spoil similarities with Brittany
- literature:
- references to medieval literary tradition
- evaluation of Wales based on literary text Ossian (1760)
- quotes Ernest Renan (1823-1892)
- people: folklorist from Brittany travelling with Alain de Botmelas (1858-1946), Jean Le Fustec (1855-1910) and Charles Le Goffic (1853-1932); further delegates in the group are Le Gonidec de Traissan, Louis-Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray (1840-1910), René Grivart, François Jaffrennou (1879-1956) and Frañsez Vallée (1860-1949)
- transport: travels by train
- compare with more candid private notes published posthumously
- click here to read the full account
Nationality of traveller
Breton, French
Language of publication
Gender of traveller
Type of publication
report; travelogue
Le Braz, Anatole. "Pèlerinage celtique." La terre du passé. Paris: Calmann Lévy, 1901. 315-33. Print.