Accounts of Travel
49 records found
Althaus, Friedrich. "Sommerbilder aus England und Wales." Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung 275, 276 (4-5 October 1889): 1-2, 2-4. Print.
- Type of account: Serialised travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: July 1889
Anonymous. Voyages Pittoresques en Angleterre, en Ecosse et en Irlande par une société de gens de lettres. Paris: Chez tous les libraires, [1838]. 140-9. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: undated, before 1838
Anonymous. "Briefe aus Südwales." Beilage zur Allgemeinen Zeitung 229-32, 286 (Aug.-Oct. 1844): 1825-7, 1833-4, 1841-2, 1849-51, 2281-2. Print.
- Type of account: Essay; letter to the editor; travelogue
- Nationality: unidentified
- Language: German
- Date of travel: undated, nine months of life in and travel throughout Wales, including autumn 1843
Anonymous. "Dick Aberdaron. (Aus den Mittheilungen eines deutschen Reisenden.)." Das Ausland. Ein Tagblatt für Kunde des geistigen und sittlichen Lebens der Völker 70-2 (11-13 March 1843): 277-79, 282-3, 286-7. Print.
- Type of account: Essay
- Nationality: German
- Language: German; Dutch translation
- Date of travel: 1840
Anonymous. "Minningar úr ferð Söngskólakórsins til Wales í byrjun julí." Alþýðublaðið Sunnudagsblað 146 (24 July 1977): 3, 8. Print.
- Type of account: Report
- Nationality: Icelandic
- Language: Icelandic
- Date of travel: July 1977
B. "Vom Westende." Neue Freie Presse (16 Oct. 1886): 1-3. Print.
- Type of account: Essay
- Nationality: unknown
- Language: German
- Date of travel: undated, ca. 1880s
Bosse-Griffiths, Käte. "I Married a Welshman." Home Service. BBC. 27 Oct. 1942, 9.20-9.35. TS.
- Type of account: Typescript of a radio interview
- Nationality: British; German
- Language: English
- Date of travel: 1939 onwards
Bovet, Marie-Anne de. "En Angleterre." Revue illustrée 7.14 (15 June 1892): 21-8, 117-24. Print.
- Type of account: Illustrated travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: undated, ca. late 1880s to early 1890s
Brandes, H[einrich] K[arl]. Ausflug nach England im Sommer 1851. Lemgo: Meyer, 1855. 50-7. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: July 1851
Br[ö]mel, Fran[z]. "Die Leute von Wales." Neue Freie Presse (5 July 1879): 1-3. Print.
- Type of account: Essay; report
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: undated, ca. 1870s
Coquebert de Montbret, Charles-Etienne. Voyage de Paris à Dublin à travers la Normandie et l'Angleterre en 1789. Lyon: Université Saint-Etienne, 1995. 162-85. Print.
- Type of account: Personal collection of notes
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: September/October 1789
*Delessert, Édouard. "Une nuit dans la Cité de Londres." Revue de Paris 20.1 (1 Jan. 1854): 82-105. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: undated, ca. early 1850s
Erny, Alfred. "Voyage dans le pays de Galles." Le Tour de Monde 15.1 (1867): 257-88. Print.
- Type of account: Illustrated travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French; translation: Spanish
- Date of travel: August 1862
Esquiros, Alphonse. "L'Angleterre et la vie anglaise: XXVI. Le sud du Pays de Galles et l'industrie du fer. Carmarthen, les eisteddfodau et les Iron-Works de Merthyr Tydfil." Revue de Deux Mondes 55 (1865) : 801-43. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: probably 1864
Gachot, Édouard. "En pays de Galles." Le Magasin pittoresque 4 (1903): 421-6. Print.
- Type of account: Essay; travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: undated, ca. early 1900s
Ganz, Wilhelm. "Madame Adelina Patti." Memories of a Musician: Reminiscences of Seventy Years of Musical Life. London: John Murray, 1913. 196-213. Print.
- Type of account: Autobiography
- Nationality: German
- Language: English
- Date of travel: repeated visits since the 1880s
Hahn-Hahn, Ida. Meine Reise in England. Ed. Bernd Goldmann. Mainz: v. Hase & Koehler, 1981. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: 1846
Hailbronner, Karl von. Cartons aus der Reisemappe eines deutschen Touristen: 1. Ed. Karl von Hailbronner. Vol. 1 Stuttgart & Tübingen: Cotta, 1837. 224-9, 234-42. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: 1836
Heine, A[dolf]. "Eine Maifahrt in die englische Schweiz." Prager Blatt (31 May 1896): 1-4. Print.
- Type of account: Essay; travelogue
- Nationality: Austrian
- Language: German
- Date of travel: gives date as May 1896, but have have undertaken the journey already in the late 1870s
Huet, Albert. Un tour au pays de Galles. Paris, 1877. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: undated, ca. 1860s
Kneppelhout, Johannes. Mijne zondagen in het Vereenigde Koningrijk: gemeenzame brieven uit Engeland, Wales en Schotland: 19 mei - 25 october 1857. Amsterdam: P. N. van Kampen, 1859. 107-66. Print.
- Type of account: Letter; travelogue
- Nationality: Dutch
- Language: Dutch
- Date of travel: July 1857
La Villemarqué, Théodore Théodore de. Fonds Théodore Hersart de la Villemarqué (1815-1895). 1838-39. Centre de Recherche et de Documentation de Littérature Orale, Manoir de Kernault, Finistère. MS.
- Type of account: Letters
- Nationality: Breton, French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: October 1838 to January 1839
Le Fustec, Jean. "La Musique chez les Gallois." Revue hebdomadaire 8.7 (21 July 1900): 376-90. Print.
- Type of account: Report; travelogue
- Nationality: Breton, French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: 1899
Le Goffic, Charles. "Chez Taffy: Quinze jours dans la Galles du sud." La Revue hebdomadaire 5.6-7 (May-June 1901) : 448-68, 22-50, 229-50, 369-395, 520-47. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: August 1899
Löher, Franz von. "Wanderung durch Nordwales." Das Ausland. Ein Tagblatt für Kunde des geistigen und sittlichen Lebens der Völker 23.131-3 (1-4 June 1850): 521-3, 525-7, 530-1. Print.
- Type of account: Essay; serialised travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: 16-22 July 1846
M., R. "Un Marché au pays de Galles." Journal des Voyages 6 (Jan.-July 1880): 408, 410. Print.
- Type of account: Essay; travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: undated, ca. 1880
Martin, Henri. Etudes d’archéologie celtique: notes de voyages dans les pays celtiques et scandinaves. Paris: Didier, 1872. 25-158. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: two journeys in August 1861 and August 1862
Montulé, Édouard de. Voyage en Angleterre et en Russie: Pendant les années 1821, 1822 et 1823, avec un atlas de vingt-neuf planches gravées ou lithographiées. Vol. 1 Paris: Chez Arthus Bertrand, 1825. 228-31. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French; Italian translation
- Date of travel: 1821
Myrbach, [Felician] and P[aul] Villars. Sketches of England. London: The "Art Journal" Office, 1891. 133-80. Print.
- Type of account: Illustrated travelogue
- Nationality: Austrian and French
- Language: English
- Date of travel: September 1886
Pichot, Amédée. L’Irlande et le pays de Galles: esquisses de voyages, d'économie politique, d'histoire, de biographie, de littérature etc. Paris: Guillaumin, 1850. 134-95. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: 1844
Rohlfs, Heinrich. Medicinische Reisebriefe aus England und Holland: 1866 und 1867. Leipzig: Friedrich Fleischer, 1868. 32-136. Print.
- Type of account: Letters; travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: autumn 1866
Rosenberger, Eugenie. Auf großer Fahrt: Tagebücher einer Kapitänsfrau aus der großen Zeit der Segelschiffahrt. 1899. Minden: Wilhelm Köhler, 1929. Print.
- Type of account: Edited letters
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: 25 November to 16 December 1894
Rouveroy van Nieuwaal, M. C. van. "Een maand in Noord-Wales." De Aarde en haar Volken. Vol. 48 Haarlem: H. D. Tjeenk Willink & Toon, 1912. 145-160. Print.
- Type of account: Illustrated essay
- Nationality: Dutch
- Language: Dutch
- Date of travel: October 1911
Sack, Yves. Les Galles du Nord. 1949. Rapports de premier voyage Zellidja jusqu'en 1974; 446. Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. TS.
- Type of account: Report; travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: 26 August to mid-September 1949
Sager, Peter. Wales: Literatur und Politik, Industrie und Landschaft. 4th. edn. Köln: DuMont, 1992. Print.
- Type of account: Travel guide; travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German; translation: English
- Date of travel: undated, ca. 1983
Schindler, Charles. "De Londres à Dublin." En Irlande: De Londres à Dublin. Esquisse de l'histoire irlandaise. La ligue irlandaise unie. Les Irlandais à l'école. La bataille agraire. Evictions, etc. Paris: Felix Juven, [1903]. 13-7. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: August 1902
Simonin, L[ouis]. "Une Visite aux Grandes Usines du Pays de Galles." Le Tour du Monde 11 (1865): 321-352. Print.
- Type of account: Illustrated essay; travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: 1862
Soechting, E. "Kurze Mittheilungen von einer Reise in England und Schottland." Zeitschrift für die gesamten Naturwissenschaften 5.11 (Nov. 1855): 378-99. Print.
- Type of account: Report; travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: undated, ca. early 1850s
Tangi, Lukian. "Un droiad e Bro-Gembre." Al Liamm 221 (1983): 323-44. Print.
- Type of account: Essay, travelogue
- Nationality: Breton, French
- Language: Breton
- Date of travel: 2-9 April 1983
Thiébault, Adolphe. Voyage à pied dans le nord du pays de Galles. Books 14.1-2. 1827. Thiébault Family mss., 1733-1872, bulk 1793-1872. Lilly Library, Indiana University Bloomington, Bloomington. MS.
- Type of account: Illustrated travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French, English, Welsh
- Date of travel: 11-28 September 1827
Trabaud, Pierre. "Pays de Galles." D’Inverness à Brighton: notes et sentiments sur les Îles Britanniques. London: Baillière, 1853. 376-85. Print.
- Type of account: Essay; travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French
- Date of travel: summer 1846
Vallée, F[rañsez]. "Envorennou diwar va beajou e Breiz-Veur hag Iwerzon (1899-1907)." Gwalarn: Kelc'hgelaouenn lennegel trimiziek 7-10, 12-17 (1926-1929). Print.
- Type of account: Serialised travelogue
- Nationality: Breton, French
- Language: Breton
- Date of travel: two journeys in 1899 and 1907
Various. "Reisebilder und Skizzen aus Großbritannien und Irland: Erster Abschnitt, Siebentes Kapitel." Reisen durch Belgien, Holland und Großbritannien. Ed. Friedrich Heinzelmann. Die Weltkunde in einer Planmäßig Geordneten Rundschau der Wichtigsten Neueren Land- und Seereisen für das Jünglingsalter und die Gebildeten aller Stände, auf Grund des Reisewerkes von Dr. Wilhelm Harnisch. Vol. 3. Leipzig: Verlag von Friedrich Fleischer, 1848. 187-91, 394-410. Print.
- Type of account: Compilation
- Nationality: unknown
- Language: German
- Date of travel: undated; based on a collection of German travelogues from throughout the first half of the nineteenth century
Waldherr, Gerhard. "Das Urgestein." MERIAN 10 (20 Sep. 2012): 68-77. Print.
- Type of account: Illustrated travelogue
- Nationality: German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: undated, ca. early 2010s
[Bettziech, Johann Heinrich]. "Der Lachsfang in Wales." Die Gartenlaube 8.51 (1860): 814-6. Print.
- Type of account: Essay
- Nationality: Sorb, German
- Language: German
- Date of travel: undated, ca. 1850s
[Bougrenet de] La Tocnaye, [Jacques-Louis de]. Promenade d'un Français dans l'Irlande, Etc. vol. 3 Brunswick: Imprimé chez P.F. Fauche & Compagnie, aux frais de l'auteur, 1801. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: French
- Language: French; translation: English
- Date of travel: 1796
[D'Arcis, Arthur]. "Voyage au nord du pays de Galles." Le Globe: Journal géographique. Bulletin 6 (1887): 34-51, 54-68. Print.
- Type of account: Letter, report, travelogue
- Nationality: Swiss
- Language: French
- Date of travel: undated, ca. 1886
[Purgstall, Gottfried Wenzel von]. "Auszüge aus reisebeschreibenden Briefen des vorletzten Grafen von Purgstall." Denkmal auf das Grab der beyden letzten Grafen von Purgstall. Ed. Joseph von Hammer[-Purgstall]. Wien: Anton Strauß, 1821. 1-166. Print.
- Type of account: Letters
- Nationality: Austrian
- Language: German
- Date of travel: September 1796
[Zarudny, Viktor Ivanovich] and William Linnard, trans. "A Russian Visitor to Bangor in 1860." Caernarvonshire Historical Society Transactions / Cymdeithas Hanes Sir Gaernarfon Trafodion 48 (1987): 41-46. Print.
- Type of account: Travelogue
- Nationality: Imperial Russian
- Language: translation: English; Russian
- Date of travel: September 1860